...no...messenger [is] greater than the one who sent him. John 13:16
One of the reasons God chose John the Baptist as Jesus' forerunner is because he was humble. He's introduced simply as a '...voice...crying in the wilderness' (Mark 1:3 NKJV), no pretentious preambles or highfalutin titles. Many notable saints came before John, but Jesus said, '...Among those born...no one has arisen greater than John...' (Matthew11:11 RSV). John had no hidden agenda or overblown ego; his message was: 'He must increase, but I must decrease' (John 3:30 NKJV). John Barnett says: 'Pride is the sin of competing with God...it makes you self-reliant, self-absorbed, self-deceived, self-confident, self-conscious, self-sufficient, self-satisfied, self-focused, self-centred and self-driven. It makes you unreliable, because nobody can tell you what to do...unloving, because you won't sacrifice for others...unteachable, because nobody can correct you...competitive, because you'll always try to outdo others.
Humility means not always having to be asked, reminded and recognised ...you go round looking for ways to serve.' Somebody asked Hudson Taylor, 'Are you conscious of the way God has prospered you in the China Inland Mission? I doubt any man has had greater honour.' Taylor replied, 'I don't see it like that. I think God must have been looking for someone small enough and weak enough to use so that all the glory might be His...and He found me.' Bottom line: 'God gives special blessings to those who are humble, but sets himself against those who are proud' (1 Peter 5:5 TLB). So, be humble!