Monday, March 14, 2011


Each Ancient Paths Experience is a balanced ministry of Biblical teaching based upon Jeremiah 6:16, followed by Spirit-led praying in small groups.

The teachings are on video by founder Craig Hill. They give solid principles and moving examples that open the heart up for ministry to receive healing from a cursed identity and to bring revelation and resolution to many negative life issues and habits. The intent of the teaching is not just for cognitive information, but to provide the opportunity for God to touch the heart with authentic life change.

In these weekend experiences, when a teaching session ends, participants go to an assigned small group for prayer led by trained facilitators. The purpose of the group is not discussion, counseling, or exhorting, but for asking the Holy Spirit to show participants where the soul is out of peace, to expose any schemes of the enemy, and to allow the Lord to show the truth and light that He wants in our hearts. Participants may pour out emotional pain to God that has been bottled up for years, but no one in the group is forced to open up in prayer. Those who do not respond outwardly often receive healing as they identify with those who do.

The end result of this ministry is that people are healed and released to be spouses, parents, children and friends who bless one another more and curse each other less.

The purpose of this ministry is to restore God's timeless foundations to families by facilitating God's process of imparting identity and destiny to His people and to reestablish a culture of blessing within the church and community so that God may receive his full inheritance in the saints (Eph 1:18).

This financial seminar from Family Foundations is different from other finance seminars in that it does not feature merely "practical" information on finances, but follows Craig Hill's anointed understanding of God's Word in teaching finances from a biblical perspective. Craig brings a special insight on God's provision in the concept of "Sparrow Faith," and shows participants how the world's financial system is driven by the Spirit of Mammon, the force who would draw people away from believing in God's provision for them. The teaching includes the building blocks to help people understand God's plan for their provision, and the five biblical uses of money.
Who should come?

Anyone who is struggling to get by and desirous of getting out of debt
Anyone who has trouble saving money
Anyone who wants to learn God's wisdom on finances
Anyone who wants to learn how to be a better steward of what God has given him or her
Topics Include:

Discover the difference between wealth, riches and money
What is "Mammon?"
Learn a systemized guide to getting out of debt
Learn five scriptural uses of money
Learn how to release God's blessing in finances
Personal ministry
In order to secure your place in the upcoming seminar, your registration form and payment must be received by the early registration deadline (typically one week prior to the start of the seminar). Registration after this date is accepted on a space-available basis and the early discounted registration fee will not apply. Because space is reserved for each registrant in a small group led by trained facilitators, all registration fees are nonrefundable after the early registration discount deadline.

A love offering will be received.

KOINONIA FULL GOSPEL CHURCH - 17-18 March, Contact Church Office: 027 8311577 For more details!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Finishing Strong

'...I have finished my course...' 2 Timothy 4:7
The course God sets before us is seldom easy. Running it takes commitment. James MacDonald says, 'I've lived long enough to know men and women whose lives were sold out to God a few years ago, but who've since walked off the track... gone AWOL... lost their longing for God. Fear of following in their footsteps haunts me... and it should you, too... The faithfulness of my walk with God depends on my willingness to stay in a relationship with Him. I never want to lose the grip His greatness has on my life and the privilege it is to... serve Him till the day I'm welcomed into His presence. That passion compels me. It keeps me honest and humble... the last thing I want to do is crawl across the finish line a defeated, derailed Christian, or worse - give up the race before my life's over. I want to break that tape with arms high, my face to the sun.' Paul said, '...I have finished my course... Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown...' Notice, courage plus endurance plus faithfulness equals reward. Photographer Jacob Riis said, 'When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps 100 times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the 101st blow it will split in two, and I know it wasn't the last blow that did it, but all the blows that have gone before.' God's Word is '...a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces...' (Jeremiah 23:29 NKJV). So, '[hold] fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ [you'll] have reason to glory because [you] did not run in vain...' (Philippians 2:16 NAS).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jehovah Jireh from Alexander Bay to Jerusalem

WOW!!! We had an awesome time in the Holy Land!! What an experience!!! Seven of us from Alexander Bay went, that will also be an unforgetable experience. It was nerve racking at times, as we needed lots of finances. But God made a way!!! When we got to the airport 7am in the morning, our flight were over 9 hours delayed, and almost miss our flight to Cairo due to 1time's bad service. Pastor Carel and Estelle had to stay behind and wait for a later flight. When we arrived at OR Tambo we were already late for the check in and had to rush, as they lost some of our bags aswell. It was well stress-full. After our bags got checked in, so last minute, we had to run from the one side of the airport to the other and just made it in time for our Air Egypt flight. We were well tired after this, my so thankfull to be on this flight as Pastor and Estelle is still waiting at Cape Town.

Had a good flight to Egypt, with another delayed and then cancelled flight we finally made it to Tel-Aviv. From there we had an amazing time. We visited Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Upperoom, Bethesda, Garden Tomb, Masada, Qumran, Dead Sea, Cana and many more. But we were blessed out of our socks when we visited the Sea of Galilee!! It was raining that day and it made the perfect setting the board the boat called Faith. The song of Michael W. Smith "Let it rain" was playing in the background. This was the only Christian Worship Boat. The presence of the Lord were so tangible on that boat. No words can explain what really happened that day.

It was great fun and we felt so blessed and privelaged to do what we were able to do.

To God be all the Glory and Praise for making this possible for us.

Who know what was birthed out of our trip to Jerusalem? Only time will tell. Watch this space...

HAPPY HOUR!!! Every Hour @ The Ark!!

HAPPY HOUR!!! Every Hour @ The Ark!!
Come and join us for a fresh Cuppa!