Friday, May 27, 2011

Learning to focus on Jesus!

'I have set the Lord always before me...' Psalm 16:8

Frank Laubach's life began to fall apart when his plans for the Maranao people of the Philippines were rejected. Then, after losing three children to malaria, his wife and remaining child moved away. In despair, Laubach climbed a mountain to seek God. He writes, 'My lips began to move and it seemed God was speaking: "You failed because you don't really love these people. You feel superior... because you're white. Forget your skin-tone; think only about how much I love them and they'll respond." I answered, "God, I don't know whether you spoke through my lips, but I know it was the truth. My plans have all gone to pieces. Drive me out of myself, take possession, think your thoughts through my mind."' That day Laubach decided to live - focused on God's presence! He writes about two things: double vision - 'See others not as they are, but as God sees them'; and problem solving - 'You'll think more clearly by including God. At mealtime put an extra chair at the table to remind you He's always present. Set a picture of Jesus or a scripture where you'll see it as you're falling asleep and waking up. Count on it - this will set the tone for your day.' The New Living Bible paraphrases the Psalmist's words, 'I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me' (Psalm 16:8 NLT). What you focus on becomes the dominant influence in your life. Frank Laubach went on to write books, lead world literacy crusades and become an adviser to kings and presidents. But his biggest accomplishment was learning to focus on Jesus.

Monday, May 23, 2011

USE your GIFT - 1 us use them... Romans 12:6
The Bible says, 'Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them...' (Romans 12:6 NKJV) God has 'graced' you to do certain things well. Now, that doesn't mean doors will automatically open, and, like cream, you'll just rise to the top. Indeed, what you get overnight you can lose overnight. You must first discern your gifts, use every opportunity to sharpen them, learn from your mistakes, and be tenacious about what God's called you to do. In high school 'Sparky' flunked Latin, algebra, English and physics. He made the golf team but promptly lost the only match of the season, then he lost the consolation match. He was awkward socially-more shy than disliked. He never once asked a girl out on a date in high school. One thing, however, was important to Sparky-drawing. He was proud of his artwork even though nobody else appreciated it. He submitted cartoons to the editors of his high school yearbook but they were rejected. Even so, he aspired to be an artist. After high school he sent samples of his work to The Walt Disney Studios. Again he was rejected. But Sparky didn't quit. He decided to write his autobiography in cartoons. The popularity of his cartoon strip eventually led to countless books and television shows. You see, Sparky was Charles Schulz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip, the most famous cartoonist of all time. Like his main character, Charlie Brown, Schulz seemed unable to succeed at many things. But he made the most of his God-given talent, refused to quit, and ended up winning. So, use your gift.

Running the Race!

...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1
In Greece there's a place tourists seldom visit. The writer of Hebrews may have had it in mind when he wrote, '...lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, with endurance...'(Hebrews 12:1 NJKV) It's where the Isthmian Games, a forerunner to the Olympics, were held: a place where athletes were hailed as heroes. To develop muscle they trained with weights strapped to their legs, but on the day of the race they stripped off anything that wasn't essential. There's a lesson here. We think what we're clinging to is important. If we didn't, letting go wouldn't be a struggle; we'd simply set it down. The Christian life is a race that starts the day you accept Christ and ends when you meet Him face-to-face. In order to cross the finish line as a winner you must eliminate: 1) Anything that slows you down. In other words, anything that hinders your spiritual progress. In and of itself, it may not be wrong, but it becomes a 'weight' when it stops you from living for God to the fullest. 2) Anything that causes you to stumble short of the finish line. You must constantly monitor the level of your commitment to Christ, the growth of your faith, your home life, your relationships, your integrity, your work ethic, your thought life and your habits. Make up your mind to stay focused on the prize. Greek athletes who won received a garland that eventually withered, but ' will receive the crown of glory that will never fade' (1Peter 5:4 NIV). Isn't that worth running the race for?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Seeking God, not THINGS!

We live in a day and age where MATERIAL and FANCIAL gain is at the top of most people lists. The problem with the statement above is that the things own us and not us the things. At the end of the day is just a worldly item and of no eternal value. Is it wrong to have nice stuff in our homes. No. It only becomes a problem when we become obsessed with gain and our lives are turning into a carnal who's who of society.

Get back to basics. If you feel something is owning you rather than you it, ask God for wisdom on what to do with it. Sell it, bless someone with it and break the Power it has over you!!

Blessings to all!

The following article inspired me the write this blog.

Seeking God, Not Things!
The Lord... closed her womb. 1 Samuel 1:5
Sometimes the door will open only when you understand why it was shut in the first place. Consider the story of Hannah. She wanted a son but God wanted a prophet. When she prayed, 'If you...give me a son, I will give him back to you all his life...' (1 Samuel 1:11 NCV), God not only gave her Samuel, but also six more children (1 Samuel 2:5). When you pray for a harvest God will ask you to sow a seed. That seed may be something you love and want to cling to, but don't - rather, surrender it to God. Hannah discovered she couldn't be satisfied with less than God's will. Elkanah had two wives, but he loved Hannah the most and granted her 'a double portion' of his possessions (1 Samuel 1:5). But when you're not doing what you know God has truly called you to do, the love of people and material things won't satisfy you. 'Ordained' people are not just those in pulpits! Hannah was ordained to be a mother. You may be ordained to be a secretary, a landscape gardener or a teacher. Find whatever God's called you to do, and do it! Finally, Hannah's desperation led her to her destiny: 'The Lord... closed her womb.' Why? To get Hannah's attention, to draw her closer to Himself. Hard times cause us to re-examine our lives and seek God as never before. Our emphasis changes from 'Lord, here's what I want' to 'Lord, what do You

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