'I have set the Lord always before me...' Psalm 16:8
Frank Laubach's life began to fall apart when his plans for the Maranao people of the Philippines were rejected. Then, after losing three children to malaria, his wife and remaining child moved away. In despair, Laubach climbed a mountain to seek God. He writes, 'My lips began to move and it seemed God was speaking: "You failed because you don't really love these people. You feel superior... because you're white. Forget your skin-tone; think only about how much I love them and they'll respond." I answered, "God, I don't know whether you spoke through my lips, but I know it was the truth. My plans have all gone to pieces. Drive me out of myself, take possession, think your thoughts through my mind."' That day Laubach decided to live - focused on God's presence! He writes about two things: double vision - 'See others not as they are, but as God sees them'; and problem solving - 'You'll think more clearly by including God. At mealtime put an extra chair at the table to remind you He's always present. Set a picture of Jesus or a scripture where you'll see it as you're falling asleep and waking up. Count on it - this will set the tone for your day.' The New Living Bible paraphrases the Psalmist's words, 'I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me' (Psalm 16:8 NLT). What you focus on becomes the dominant influence in your life. Frank Laubach went on to write books, lead world literacy crusades and become an adviser to kings and presidents. But his biggest accomplishment was learning to focus on Jesus.
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