Friday, July 2, 2010

Heart of Worship!

"When Jesus is the shephard, we want to be the sheep. When He is the potter, we want to be the clay!" - Julies Magan

Last night the body of Christ was blessed and inspired as we attentively listened to his heart, prophecy's and songs of Julies Magan and his ministering team. The theme of the night was getting back to the feet of Jesus just to hang out with him. Awesome presence in the house as Julies, Shane (Julies' son) the guitar player and Morne the piano player led us into heart led worship. The house worshipped in ways I never heard before. The church was jam packed and we were glad that we brought extra seats in.

We will use this page to share all the testimony's of last night, and know that the fire that was ignited last night in many will spread to the ends of the earth.



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