Thursday, May 27, 2010

Brief van Angola!

Liewe Gebedsvriende

23 Mei 2010

Ek tans besig om ʼn boek van Francine Rivers te lees ,oor die Profeet Amos en so saam lees ek die boek Amos in die Boodskap.ʼn Stukkie wat my nogal getref het en aan die bid en bedink het is die volgende:”God was holding the nations accountable for what they’d done against His people,but He would also hold His people accountable for the way they live before the nations”…..en dit is mos ook waar vir ons as ingeente lote …”.He has chose us and has called us to be unique,an example to all nations…all people “…..sommer net so onder die induk hoe belangrik dit is om gereeld ʼn mens se manier van leef te evalueer deur Sy oë.

Ons was baie bederf tydens ons wees in Luanda vir die lasste 2 weke in April,veral deur die persone wat deel uitmaak van ons selgroep daar.Vir my persoonlik ,ʼn moeilike tyd gewees om wakker te word en nie ons Angolese mense te hoor of te sien nie.

Vir Tiago was dit ʼn stukkie uit die hemel…kon sokker opleiding kry sam met die kinders van die Internasionale skool in Luanda ,ʼn baie cool skool!!!!,hy kon slaap by 2 van sy Suid –Afrikaanse maats,Herman en Charles en hy kon DS TV kyk en “grand” bly om nie te praat van al die lekker kos van Tannie Julianna wat hy ook op die koop toe gekry het nie.

Vir Wessel was dit ʼn tyd van dokkumentasie en dokkumentasie asook om die een na die ander afspraak na te kom met die verskillende pastore.

Grond in Luanda !!!!

Bly asseblief saam met ons bid,weet ons sê dit elke keer ,maar dit is waar : Ons gee defnitiewe tree vorentoe om die aankoop van die grond te finaliseer en die tree raak al groter .Bid asseblief in die besonder vir Rosa wat dit moet handteer namens ons,veral vir wysheid en onderskeiding en vir beskerming teen enige vorm van korrupsie.

Sodra ons die grond het sal ons moet stene aankoop om die “containers “ wat ons ontvang het en wat nog na die perseel vervoer moet word toe te bou sodat dit kan dien as kantoor,akkommodasie en bedieningsfasiliteit.Bid asb. saam met ons vir die nodige finansies wat ons daarvoor sal benodig en ook vir hande om te help bou.Arbeid is baie duur !!!!!

Pastoor Morais:

Hy is alreeds vir ʼn paar jaar aan ons bekend en ons ag ons vrienskap met hom kosbaar.Ons het ervaar dat dit reg was om hom te nader om die Here te soek om saam met ons te werk aan God se Konnkryk hier.Hy is tans besig om ʼn meisie in Brasilie wat hy daar leer ken het met sy besoeke te nader om met hom te trou en dus ook aan haar die uitnodiging te gee om saam met hom by ons aan te sluit.Ons is intens bewus van die belangrikheid dat God dit self aan hul sal kom bevestig en so ook aan ons.Hy het ʼn besonderse visie om sy mense te mobiliseer vir Sending,wat ook ons hart is.Bid asb. saam met ons en hul vir die Here se bevestiging van hul roeping met ons.

Groot was my vreugde toe ek weer ʼn werkswinkel kon aanbied vir al my Sondagskool personeel in Luanda en was baie bemoedig met hul volhardende “commitment”.My vreugdeskoek het ʼn kersie bo-op gekry toe Francisco en sy pasgetroude bruid,Bia, ingewillig het om te help met die kinderklub wat ons daar in die buurt waar ons gebly het aan te bied ,veral nou in die afwesigheid van Frans wat nie meer in Luanda is nie en ek wat net dan en wan daar kan wees.Chileshe wat die kinderwek daar koőrdineer is vir by ʼn besonderse bate,asook Sandra.

Mario en Chileshe:

Mario tans in Amerika waar hy besig is om Landbou met ʼn beurs wat hy gekry het vir 4 jaar te bestudeer en soos jul sekerlik kan onthou het hy in Desember vir Jesaus aangeneem as sy Verlosser.Hul is besig met Chileshe en hul dogter Natashe se dokkunmentasie en sodra dit in orde is sal hul 2 by hom aansluit in Amerika.In Augustus kom hy weer Angola toe vir vakansie en dan beplan hul 2 om die 7de Augustus te trou.Hul was tradisioneel getroud ,maar nie in die kerk nie, vanweë die feit dat sy ʼn Christen en hy ʼn Moslem was,maar hul het nou waar beide van hul bekeerlinge is ʼn begeerte om dit in die kerk te doen.Bid saam vir hul ,dat dit sal kan realiseer soos beplan.Dit bring ons by hul peetkind,Esperança.

Ons as gesin is besig om die Here te soek om Esperança by ons in die huis te neem en deel van ons familie te maak.Esperaca word 18 in Junie.Dit is vir ons geen geringe saak nie en vra dus dat jul saam met ons hieroor sal bid.

Frans en Viorica:

Hul trouplane is nou gefinalisee na ʼn lang ruk van wag op dokkumentasie van hul 2 verskillende lande en hul onsuksesvolle poging om in Moldova te trou,trou hul nou 5 Junie in Windhoek in Namibiee.Hul het ons uitgenooi en veral gevra of Wessel vir Viorica in die kerk sal inbring in die plek van haar Pa wat nie daar sal kan wees nie en dat ons hul trouregister sal teken in die afwesigheid van haar ouers.Ons beplan dus as die Here wil om volgende week 2 Junie vanaf Menongue na Namibieë te vetrek, sodat ons die troue sal kan bywoon.Bid asseblief vir al die reëlings wat ons sal moet tref aan die kant om dit te laat realiseer.

Wessel ,more 24 Mei oppad na Luanda toe tot en met 1 Junie om 2 besoekende predikante van Suid-Afrika te gaan ondersteun rakende hul verhouding en bediening teenoor een van die Agolese kerke in Luanda.Saam met dit sal daar weer vele dokkumentasie verantwordelikhede saam gaan, bid asseblief vir sy tyd in Luanda.


Ons loof die Here vir Sy voorsiening van Wessel Smit wat nog tans by ons is en veral loof ons die Here vir die liefde wat Hy vir Wessel gegee het rakende landbou.Ons plant nou boorde aan,soos Tiago dit noem….28 Advokade bome ,net soveel pynaapels,ook heelwat papaja en mango bome is in die grond en dan is daar ook die voorreg om spinasie te pluk van ons eie land en een van die dae nog pampoentjies en wortels ook.Ons visdam is ook vol water met ʼn klompie kleinerige vissies en die hoenderhok vorder baie goed.Wessel Smit beplan om ons teen einde Otober te verlaat sodat hy en Anneke in die huwelik kan tree.Bid asseblief saam met ons dat die Here vir ons iemand in sy plek sal stuur wat kan help veral met die Landbou projek.

Dit bring ons by 3 eintlik 4 baie dringrnde gebedsversoeke :

1. vir ʼn Landbouer,

2. ʼn Persoon wat ons sal kan kom help met ons Admin verantwoordelikhede en

3. vir iemand wat sal kan kom help met die koőrdinering van die Bybelskool projek.

4. is ʼn gebedsversoek rakende Pieter van Wyk van Alexanderbaai..Pieter is ook reeds an ons as gesin bekend vir ʼn geruime tyd.Met ons besoek in begin van 2009 en toe weer aan die begin van 2010 het hy vir ons gese dat hy ervaar dat die Here wil hê dat hy na ons moet kom en in die besonder moet kom om vir my te help met Tiago se skoling.Hy het toe gesê hat hy homself beskikbaar stel vanaf Junie 2010.Ons het hom aangeraai om alles in orde te kry wat nodig is om na ons te kom eerrs vir ʼn tydperk van 6 maande,wat vir hom en ons kans te gee om saam die Here se bevestiging te soek of dit ʼn langer termyn “commitment” gaan wees al dan nie.Sy kerk ondersteun ook ten volle sy besluit en so ook sy ouers.Ons as gesin ervaar ook baie defnitief dat dit reg so is.So het Pieter alles in gereedheid begin kry en toe het hy ons verlede laat weet dat hy nie meer sal kan kom nie ,vanweë die feit dat hy nie die nodige finansies het nie en dat sy kerk ook nie nou finansieel instaat is om hom daarmee te help nie.Ons neem met groot versigtigheid met hierdie brief die vrymoedigheid om sy finansiele kostes te noem nl. R3,000.00 per maand asook ʼn addisionele R750 maandeliks vir die hernuwing van sy visum totdat ons sy werkspermit sal hê,maar dit neem ʼn geruime tyd om dit te kan bekom.Hy het ook sy vervoerkostes nodig vanaf Alexanderbaai na ons in Menongue en weer terug..Dankie dat ons die vrymoedigheid kon neem.Bid asb. Saam met ons vir die Here se voorsiening op Sy tyd.Ons het iemand om my te kom help met Tiago se skoling dringend nodig.

Juniemaand,veral maar ook Julie ,Augustus,Setember en Oktober is maande waarin ons vele besoekers gaan ontvang vanaf P.A Hamlet,Koue Bokkeveld,De Doorns ,selgroep van Luanda,England,Namibieë,Veritas opleiding ook van Namibieë.Bid seblief saam vir die kry van hul visums, veilige reis hierheen en hul gesondheid terwyl hul hier is.Ons loof die Here vir die vele hande wat Hy vir ons stuur om ons hande te kom vat.

Lief jul elkeen!!!!!

Mag die Here ons gereeld daaraan herinner om ons manier van leef te evalueer deur Sy oë.

Selnommer :00244 923339964 of 0044 923526358


Wessel,Joan en Tiago

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the POWER of Praise!

What is praise:

According to the Dictionary:

- Expression of approval, commendation, or admiration.
- The extolling or exaltation of a deity, ruler, or hero.
- To express warm approbation of, commendation for, or admiration for.
- To extol or exalt; worship.

In Hebrew the word praise means:

Halal (haw-lal'): To make a load clear sound of praise. The original Hebrew also carried the meaning of being clamorously foolish, to rave, or to celebrate. Thus to express worship in halal means unbridled, exuberant praise.

When you are going through a tough time one of your most powerfull weapons is to praise God, and the things that seemed big and impossible will feel very small and possible.

Habakkuk 3:17 Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, 18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. 19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.

Let's experience the power of praise!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Senior Day at the Ark!

The Ark's youth invited the seniors of Alexander Bay and they were treated with tasty food, fellowship, a message of God's word and gifts. God just wanted to remind them how special they are and that He still have a BIG plan with their lives!

Isaiah 46:4 "Even to your old age and gray hairs
I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you."

Age isn't a problem with God, He is looking for whom He can send.

We were overwhelmed by His presence and laid hands on everyone there. They left refreshed and encouraged to change their world for Christ.

I encourage you to be a blessing to someone in your world today.

Word 4 the Day...


"Because you have been trustworthy..." Luke 19:17

Money will buy you a bed but not sleep, books but not brains, food but not an appetite, a house but not a home, medicine but not health, luxuries but not happiness, image but not character, and religion but not salvation. You say, 'Does that mean God doesn't want me to have money?' No, He will actually trust you with more money when you demonstrate that your trust is not in your money, but in Him alone (1Timothy 6:17). The Bible teaches three things about money: 1) When you become a good steward of what you have, God will entrust you with more. '...Then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, in order to find out what they had gained with it. The first one came and said, '...Sir, your mina has earned ten more.' 'Well done, my good servant!...' his master replied. '...Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities' (Luke 19:15-17 NIV). 2) When your focus is on serving others, God will entrust you with more. When Job took the focus off himself and began to pray for others, '...The Lord...gave him twice as much as he had before' (Job 42:10 NIV). 3) When you can walk away from material things to do God's will, God will entrust you with more. Abraham left the security of his home to fulfil God's plan, and he ended up one of the world's wealthiest men. On the other hand, the rich young ruler said no to following Christ because the cost was too high (See Mark 10:17-22). You ask, 'What was the cost?' Everything!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Word 4 the Day...

Go All the Way

...And go all the way with him... Philippians 3:10

While John was a prisoner on the Isle of Patmos, far from his loved ones and surrounded by the cries of abused captives, he had a vision of Jesus. He writes, '...When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead...' (Revelation 1:17 NKJV). Incredible revelation in the midst of confinement, chaos and pain; that's how it works! The difficult circumstances you're going through right now can actually clear your perceptions, cause you to seek God as never before, and find answers for your life. John's predicament proves that negative experiences don't hide the Lord; they reveal Him. Instead of destroying you, Satan's attack can actually develop you. Yes, it stresses you, but it also stretches you spiritually. In Hebrews chapter 11 we see two things: the deeds of their faith and the depth of their faith. Where did God prove His faithfulness to Daniel? In the lions' den. Where did the Lord reveal Himself to the three Hebrew children? In a fire heated seven times over. There's a place in God where fiery trials consume everything except your desire to know Him. Though that place may sometimes escape your grasp, never let it escape your gaze. It was Paul's all-consuming goal: 'I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him.' There it is: no reservations, no retreat, and no regrets; just a desire to know God intimately and a commitment to 'go all the way with him.' Let that be your heart's desire today!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Word 4 the Day...

Having integrity

...Stay close to anything that makes you want to do right... 2 Timothy 2:22
Comedian Red Allen, said, 'You only live once. But if you work it right, once is enough.' So, how can you work it right? By living by your convictions every day; do that, and you will have few regrets. Living a life of integrity involves: a) thinking regularly about your values and letting them soak in b) constantly measuring your choices against God's Word and whenever it is appropriate, talking about them. This not only cements your values, it also adds a level of safety and accountability. We get into trouble when our convictions and our impulses collide. When everything's going our way it is not difficult to live by our convictions. But 'where it comes to the crunch,' is when those convictions demand that we do something that will hurt or cost us! Spiritual people do what is right, no matter how they feel about it. You do not feel your way into doing what is right; you act first, act scripturally, act consistently - your feelings follow suit. Usually it does not involve anything dramatic; the tough decisions are the everyday ones. Character is built like a wall, one brick at a time. Nice people may appear to finish last, but usually it is because they are running a different race. Running that race involves pausing regularly to examine your life and to pray with the Psalmist, 'Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting' (Psalm 139:23-24 KJV).

Monday, May 17, 2010

If GOD is YOUR God then DREAM BIG Dreams!!!!

Morning Peeps!!

I was inspired this morning by reading the story of Jessica Watson. A 17 year old, the youngest person ever to sail solo and unassisted around the world. WOW!!!

Read her blog @ -


HAPPY HOUR!!! Every Hour @ The Ark!!

HAPPY HOUR!!! Every Hour @ The Ark!!
Come and join us for a fresh Cuppa!